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Taken from the Writings of Frey-Li Loh


A Primitive Treatise on the Nature, Detection, and Classification of Vergence Patterns in the Force.

Proving Also the Twin Conjectures of Force Vergences Put Forth by Master Beru Sriett

And Other Observations

By Master Frey-Li Loh


The Force is the medium in which all the universe is bound and motivated. It has no smallest partical nor largest boundary.

Its qualities are apparent to the Force attuned.

The Force flows dynamically, dramatically. Echos, ripples, waves, and vortices form in its energy field.

In reality, this energy field is many dimensional, though it may be helpful to think of the Force as the rippling surface of a pond, or the ever changing currents of a stream.

For countless generations, the Force attuned have been drawn to places they consider powerful in the Force.

These places have become our temples and our places of refuge, each formed about a nexus of power.

One: The conjecture of Force Convergence of Jedi Master Beru Sriett suggests such places are loci or convergences in the currents of the Force.

Two: In the conjecture of Force divergence, Master Sriett posits that inn a balanced system, Force convergence in one place produces divergences elsewhere

Proof of either of these Twin Conjectures would support the other. Sadly, without accurate measures, Master Sriett was unable to prove the conjectures before passing into the Force.


When I attained the rank of Master, I immediately chartered a prospecing vessel, to search for evidence of the Twin Conjectures.

I reasoned that some Force conducive material, suspended freely, might align itself with the local currents of the Force.

I tried may materials before settling upon the Kyber from my own saber, suspended from a thin cord of inert fiber.

This proved to be effective at detecting major anomalies in the Force, but too delicate for detecting minor disturbances.

We would investigate a known nexus in the remote Sluis Sector (N-Nineteen).

(Text refers to a map, not extant.)

Our path wound through the sector many times over, following the heading of the rudimentary Kyber compass.

Our route traced the contours of the Force.

Our survey of this sector took one and one half years to complete.

With current tools, survey of the explorable galaxy might be completed by one dozen vessels in just one hundred and fifty years.

The vergence is immediately apparent, centered, as predicted upon the nexus in the Dagobah System!

The density of currents is varied, in accordance with the second conjecture of Master Sriett.

Of the First Conjecture: Nexi of power are points of vergence in the energy field of the Force. Q.E.D

Of the Second Conjecture: Convergence in the Force must produce divergence elsewhere. Q.E.D

We are satisfied that our data serves as adequate proof of the Twin Conjectures of the late Master Sriett.


(Text refers to figures, not extant.)

Fig. one. Free vergence - unstable

Fig. two. Single-node feedback vergence - moderately stable

Fig. three. Double-node feedback vergence - very stable

Unstable vergences diverge quickly. The strongest vergences are stabilized by feedback loops.

Even mild interaction with the Force produces temporary unstable vergences. More focused use of the Force might produce a stable vergence?

- Have the Force attuned gathered at vergence points, or has the act of gathering induced convergence? -

Fig. four. Divergence region. Low density of Force currents. Usually in open space, far from lifving beings.

Fig. five. Wave vergence, or threshhold. Mild to moerate vergence with no distinct focal point. Often a secondary phenomenon.

Impossible to predict the "darkness" or "lightness" of a nexus based only upon the shape or strength of the vergence. Further study is required.

Conjecture: Raw Kyber crystals exhibit weak, fluctuating vergence, tempered or Force aligned crystals emit stronger near-field vergence.

Second Expedition:

An anonymous benefactor has commissioned my second expedition. They wish me to investigate an anomaly deep in the unknown regions.

They are fully funding the expedition, expected to take three years. When I return, I shall pen a more complete treatise, incorporating the data acquired over the course of both investigations.

We depart from Coruscant in one week.

Approximate coordinates: F-Seven.

(End of original record.)

It has been six years since Master Loh's departure. We have received no word from her, or the being who sponsored the second expedition.

The unknown regions are treacherous. It is too dangerous to send a search party.

We believe she has been lost to the void and reunited with the Force.

Attempts to replicate her Kyber compass experiments have failed. It is unknown whether her methodology differs from what she described, or if her crystal was uniquely suited to the task.